One of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood, the worldwide prevalence of ADHD in children is believed to be around 5.3%. It is also observed that ADHD in childhood is found more in boys than girls by a 3:1 ratio.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder better known as ADHD is one of the most prevalent disorders found in children. Typically, the symptoms of ADHD show in childhood and continue well into adulthood. With timely intervention by parents and teachers and behavioral therapy, children can better manage this condition. A study conducted in Coimbatore, India found ADHD in children at 11.3%, which is higher than the global number. Research shows that globally the number of boys with ADHD is higher than the number of girls.
Common ADHD behaviour
Typically, ADHD is characterized by symptoms like impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and lack of focus. Other common signs and symptoms of ADHD are as follows:
- Extremely fidgety and restless
- Impulsiveness
- Head in the clouds, daydreamers
- Impatient and restless while sitting
- Always in a hurry, often clumsy
- Talkative, bad listener
Diagnosing ADHD
When testing for ADHD, experts do not recommend one single test. It requires a series of tests which include medical exams, hearing and vision test, and behavioral history- all of which combined prove to be effective when understanding whether or not an individual has ADHD.
Even though behavioral disorders have a somewhat negative connotation, an ADHD diagnosis need not be feared. There are several treatment options that help individuals cope with and manage their ADHD symptoms. Therapy coupled with medication can help one arrest the symptoms and devise a strategy to overcome social hurdles caused by ADHD. Referring to a behavioral therapist can also prove to be very effective as identification and treatment at the early stages can truly help the student take ADHD in their stride and live a fulfilling life.