Resource Room Enhanced

Redefining traditional resource rooms
SPEEDY Lab is SpEd@school’s one stop solution for children who need learning support. It is designed to challenge and motivate a child’s curiosity to learn new and newer things with the help of interactive and intuitive activities and fun games. All this is supported with state-of-the-art technology and experts around the globe.
Ecosystem of Accelerated Learning
Lab of Productive Educational Experiments
Inspiring Educators and redefining Practices

Welcome to SPEEDY Labs

Innovative Resource Room
Empowers all stakeholders and gives them an opportunity to play a crucial role in the holistic development of the child. It exists with the motto – Every child included, every child enabled.
Therapy Setup
Equipment Included
1SpEd@home Icons
Multi-level integration
NEP 2020 Compliant
Equipment and Setup


An effective resource room requires a school to invest in dedicated rooms, equipment, a specially qualified and experienced workforce, an engaging syllabus, and regular support. At the same time it should comply with the norms set by the NEP 2020.
Need help with your Resource room?

Book a visit

Make your school inclusion-ready
Our experts will visit your location to determine the opportunities of services and collaboration.